Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day 42 my thoughts about finishing the camino tomorrow

I am sitting here on Saturday night wondering how I am going to feel tomorrow. Happy? Yes I'm sure. A little melancholy? Maybe. Relief? Yes definitely. Ready to come home? Absolutely.

I have been gone from home a long time,a really long time. It's been so good for me, in a personal growth type of way, although I have certainly pushed my body to its limits. This trip was not just difficult physically, but mentally it has been overwhelming in so many ways. I am not a quitter, this I have always known about myself. I am also a really hard worker, who once committed to a project doesn't give up.
There were many days during this trip that I wondered why am I doing this? What constitutes me putting myself through this?
For many the camino is invigorating, an adventure vacation, and so many here truly love each day. Did I enjoy each day? I must say the answer is yes,mostly.

Somedays though I had such physical aches and pains that when I quit walking for the day, it wasn't always pleasant. I also missed having a walking partner like John. The people walking in couples and groups seemed much happier. Although, on the flip side of this is that I think I have become a much stronger, self reliant person to have done this alone. John and I have talked about this and I think it's true. Also, to do this with another person, it has to be someone who is really committed to working together as a team. I saw many friendships not doing well here, because one person was stronger than the other and the weaker one was pushing to keep up. The weaker person has to be the one to set the pace.

When I set out to do this the reasons were many.

I wanted to do a true pilgrimage for God. Something that was a commitment that really was one of true physical and mental suffering.... I spent much time praying and chanting and singing prayers as I walked. Thanking God for everything so wonderful in my life. I prayed for all of my family, and friends. All of you, yes, I had time to think about all of you and pray for you.

I wanted to have meditation time to figure out if I am happy with my life as it is, and who I am. ... The answer to this is yes.

I wanted to see if this Florida girl could rise to the fitness challenge of doing this. It's been crazy hard, but I've succeeded.

Just some thoughts before I walk tomorrow. Please keep praying for me that I get this done... Who knows what the last 10 miles will bring?
Hopefully I will arrive in Santiago safe and well, both mentally, physically, and spiritually. Ultraia. Onward.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Day 42 Arzua to Arca June 15th

Km walked about 20 (12.6 miles)
Elevation change, hilly, up and down nothing major.

I left this morning at 7 am, a bit earlier than I have these last couple of short days. It's been sunny and warm, and I wanted to get the walk in before it got too hot. So with a couple of stops, I made it in 5 hours. Pretty good.
My chest cold and cough have settled down. I did see a doctor yesterday, and she gave me a Rx for albuterol. The visit was brief and free.
So that was pretty good.

As I started out early this morning, the sun was just coming up, and it was really pretty out. As I looked down the trail and into the misty fog, there was a baby deer standing there looking at me. It was pretty cool, and I thought to myself that it was kind of like a patronus..... From Harry Potter...
A good omen for the day.

After a while I stopped at a roadside cafe. There are many along the the
Road, and had one of my favorite breakfasts while I've been here in Spain. Pan chocolate and also called a Neapolitan. Yummy! With some orange juice, for the cold.

Saw lots of dogs and cats today, also saw sheep....who obliged nicely for a picture...

And passed this on my way into Arca. Only 20 km left. Very, very good.

Tomorrow, I will leave really early for Santiago. Probably around 6 to 6:30. There is a mass on Sunday at noon, where they swing the big incense burner, and if I can make it, I would like to. I also have heard that it swings most days due to tourist donations. So if I don't make it tomorrow it is ok.
Although cool to see, it's not the most important part of my day tomorrow. Just arriving is.
So excited. Mission completed... Almost.