Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day 5 Trinidad de Arre to Cizur Menor

Kilometers walked about 11 - 7 miles. Negligible elevation change. Weather- rained most of the day.

Today we spent a good amount of timewalking through and past Pamplona. The weather was about 55 degrees with rain most of the day, so we stopped our walk shorter then we intended. Tomorrow we will walk over the mountain of Alto de Perdon, a 1000 feet climb- 400 meters, and we had no interest in doing it in the rain. So hopefully, we will have better weather tomorrow.
I am sitting at the Roncal maribel albuergue, 10 euros each, in the kitchen wifi room. Most of the places we stay have sort of a family room with a kitchen and free wireless. It's been really handy with the iPad mini so far. I am using it as a camera too, so it's easier to download pictures right from it.
Our room had 5 bunk beds, 10 beds  in it. Not bad so far, we haven't had any exposure to big time snorers. All of the people are so great, we picked up some groceries and ate lunch in the kitchen with 3 Canadian sisters.
My feet are doing pretty good, still have the left toe problems, going to lose that nail for sure. Otherwise feeling strong and confident.
Tomorrow is John's last day of walking, we are going to splurge on a hotel tomorrow night before he leaves.
This walk is no easy walk... And I'm going to miss his support.

I am loving this time to meditate and pray. We have tried to make mass whenever there is one, and that is so comforting at the end of the day. I have been carrying Eric and Andrea's rosaries and praying as I walk, although I am usually needing to hold my walking sticks.
Today's pictures are of the 82 year old woman named Korine from the Netherlands that we met yesterday, she was trucking it out of town this morning, and she planned to go over the mountain today. Also are pictures of Pamplona today. Didn't take many pictures today with the rain. The street pictures are of the street where Hemingway was, and where the running of the bulls takes place. The church is the cathedral of Pamplona, built around1400.