Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 17 Ages to Burgos

17 km walked, 10.2 miles, then a bus through the city center, 5 km approximately.
Elevation climbed, 150 meters, 450 feet.

This morning, as I left my albuergue, which was wonderful, El Pajar, the sun was shining brightly. The walk was on a country road and then changed to an extremely rocky climb through a hilly pass, back to a country road, and the on the side of a road for many kilometers. The change in the terrain was amazing. From the rocks to the city of Burgos. When I got to the outskirts of burgos, it started to rain AGAIN!! and I came upon a group of pilgrims my age, catching a bus through the city. The city concrete is boring, no meditation going on there, and also hard on the knees.
My feet are doing better, and I am feeling fine, but I am going to take. Rest day here in Burgos. A pilgrim that I met and is on Facebook, is staying here. The hotel is called La Puebla, and I was. To able to get a 1 person room, so I'm paying 50 euros for a 2 person room. Still not bad considering I've been only usually spending about 8 to 10 euros per night. My average spend per day is about 25 euros per day, so not bad for this long trip.
I went over to see the beautiful cathedral here, and it is gorgeous. Attached are some pictures of it. I will be going to mass at 7:30 tonight. Tomorrow, I am going to take a tour.
Today on the iPad, I listened to some Joel Osteeen podcasts and some music I have downloaded. It makes the walking easier somehow, with the brain diversion.
I was feeling homesick yesterday, but since the weather is improving, I felt better today.
I am so fortunate to have this iPad technology, John and I have been talking by FaceTime each day.
So here are some pix of my albuergue last night, the walk today, and the burgos cathedral.

Also, I passed a town called Altapuerca, this is where the earliest human remains ever discovered were found. The book says over 900,000years old!! Wowser is all I gotta say... I can't say that I walked back the 2 km to see the original cave,,, sorry.

Also the statue in the pic is El CID.