Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 13 Ventosa to Azofra

Km walked about 17.4 miles about 10.4. Elevation about 200 meters 600 feet.
Today started out really well, sunny and chilly, great walking weather. I decided to wear my tennis shoes to give my toe a break. It worked out well, until it started pouring. We even got hailed on. Yikes. We didn't walk as far as we had wanted to but we did pretty well.
Can't complain. I'm happy, feeling strong, hills are getting to be no problem. Only problem that is is the weather, it's supposed to snow in Burgos over the next couple of days. Hope this isn't true, cause we should be there by Tuesday.
Below are a few pics of dinner last night, we ate with some Brits. One looked just like Dustin Hoffman.  Pretty funny. We all were in the same bunk bed room of 10 people. I have not slept badly, considering.
Attached are some pics from last night and today. I have been reduced to wearing socks with flip flops.. Not great styling going on here, but we are having fun.