Saturday, June 1, 2013

Day 28 Villar de Mazarife to hospital de orbigo

14.1 km about 8.5 miles. Elevation rise o feet

Today is Saturday. And I started out my day walking along a country road, coming to an albuergue named after granddaughter #1 Lucy. I had a delicious pan chocolate there.

After leaving that town, I came upon a herd of sheep. That was fun...

I then came to a little town, hospital de orbigo.
There is a long bridge there and the story for this bridge goes like this. I n the year 1434, a noble knight named don suero de Quinones was scorned by a beautiful lady. He threw done his gauntlet and his honor to any knight who dared to pass as he undertook to defend the bridge and his honor. He did this for one month, and 300 lances were broken. He then proceeded to Santiago to offer thanks for his freedom from the bonds of love and the restoration of his honor. This is how things went in 1434....
Here is the bridge, which was also traveled by Napoleon

So when I got to town, I had about 3 more km to go, but there was a big festival going on, and I decided to stay here.
Here are some pix of the festival parade

Here is a Spanish family who are dressed up, and allowed me to take their picture. Reminds me of my own kids and grand kids.

And here is some of the food. All looked so yummy. And was delisioso!

Some of the peregrinos dressed up

And here are kids having a pony ride. It's the same all around the world!

I have realized that the world is a very small place, and that I am one small cog in the wheel of life.
I had a nice FaceTime chat with Andrea, Brian and John yesterday and today. My feet are healing, my knee is twingy, nut working well.
No complaints, I have showered, done laundry and all is well with the world.
Have a wonderful Saturday everyone, rest, and enjoy life...