Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 30 Murias de Rechivaldo to Rabinal del Camino

17.4 km traveled, about 9.7 miles. 250 meter, about 750 foot climb.
Tomorrow... 350 meter climb.
Today I walked pretty quickly, leaving at 7 am and getting to my albuergue at around 11:30. Not bad, if I do say so myself!
Though countryside was flat starting out, and was so pretty.

There are lots of rocks along the trail, and I often come to arrows, or hearts decorating the road..

In a little town called El Ganso, there is a cowboy bar, kinda funny, although here in Spain, they are called caballeros.
Here is the cowboy bar

The trail the went uphill, but was still very pretty.
I ran into a couple of old friends
Jeff from San Francisco, he's actually coming home the same day as me, and on the same flight from Madrid to Miami

And Minor from Japan who I've bumped into again and again. He's staying at my albuergue tonight.

Here are some pics of the albuergue today.

Those racks are for drying clothes, and will be filled by mid afternoon..with people's washing.

When I spoke to andrea yesterday, she suggested that I dedicate my 2 upcoming mountain climbs to people that I love. So today's and tomorrow climbs are dedicated to the important men in my life. John, Brian, Eric, Lucas and my brothers Jim, Frank, Bill, and Chris. I prayed for all of them on the way up, and will continue to pray for you tomorrow.
My feet are bad again. I lost my big right toenail yesterday, I've been expecting that for about a week. And I have blisters on 2 of my toes...
Spoiler alert
Pictures of my bad looking feet, coming up.

Sorry but i need sympathy, and since most of our feet look similar, there is no getting sympathy from fellow pilgrims. i also have blisters on both feet on the outsides of my heels. Ive been dealing with bad feet from the beginning so i am used to it. i keep them as clean and dry as possible. i also have dressings and duct tape I apply each morning.
Although my feet are bad, my knees feel good today, probably because I went a bit shorter today. My goal of the day is to really look at my pack and see what I can get rid of. No problems with my back though, although I suspect my pack is at about 16 pounds.
That's all for today, I want to thank you all for your continued comments and support. Each comment makes me feel so good inside.
My love from Spain,
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