Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 4 Zubiri to Trinidad de Arre

Kilometers walked 20  km --about 12miles, negligible amount of elevation. Itwas a wonderful day. Rolling hills, always but not excessively high. I was able to walk thehills pretty well today, but much of the walk was very slick. Dangerous, and I don't want to get hurt. My feet are ok, although I will be losing my 3rd left toenail, although no blisters so far. The weather has been rainy and warm, the problem being no clothes dryers and no outside sunny line for clothes. This is a real concern.
Things I thought about today
My backpack and my walking poles are my best friends.
Always tie your shoes really tightly, and have plenty of water.
The more you work at something, the better and stronger you will get.
 The pictures below are of a river we walked along today. The second picture is of our new friend Jerry from Toronto, who we keep meeting up with, and the last picture is of a son and mom, Hans and his mom Korine, aged 82 .
Hans is walking the first week with his mom, and then she is walking the rest of the camino, pulling her bag by cart. Amazing!