Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 9 Villa Mayor de Monjardin to Torres del Rio

Km walked 19.5 today, about 11.7 miles -- elevation negligible.

Today was a bright sunny day. Warm.. But good for this Florida girl, who likes warm. When I started out this morning, I had on 4 layers, and got down to 2 shirts. Using sunscreen. Things are going well, feet are better. No pain today. I have become very conscious of stretching well, and really paying attention to what is hurting and stretching accordingly. Things are well, I walked today with friends from Portugal, pictured below, and a woman from South Africa, Jasmine- yaz--, who is about my age, and we seem similar in our strength of walking.
Below are pix of the terrain, which is changing, and of the harvesting of white asparagus, very popular here. They keep it covered so that the sun can't reach it to change it green.
Problem of the day- my pedometer stopped working, and I found a tobacco shop, kind of like the all purpose store, and had the battery replaced. Cost 4 euros, and it still doesn't work. I guess it's a sign from God to quit trying to be in control, and just go with the flow. I am so task driven, making lists all day, and I take this as a sign to just relax.
Not much else to report, it's been a delightful flat day, still only making about 2 mph, with my 15 pound pack, but all is well. It is supposed to rain tomorrow, so will see  how things go.