Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 37 Pinton to Ferrerios June 10th.

19.8 km (12.4 miles) traveled. Elevation climbed today about 300 meters (900 feet)

It was a good day for walking today. Temperatures in the 60s and cloudy.
I am getting there. Today I went through Sarria, which is significant for pilgrims only doing the shorter pilgrimage. Sarria is where they start. So the way will become more and more crowded.

Interesting trees today...

Pretty flowers.

The 100 km marker.. Means only 60 more miles

And this is my very new, modern albuergue.

I've planned my destination for tomorrow, and am going to head to bed early. I've picked up a little cold and cough, I think it's like a kennel cough. Got some cold meds to take before bed, so hopefully will sleep well. I've been also trying to drink lots of extra water. My muscles were aching yesterday, and when I talked to andrea and Lucas yesterday, they thought maybe lactic acid buildup. Makes sense.
Not much else to report today... Just plugging away this last week,,, step by step.