Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 16 Belarado to Ages

Today was a different kind of day. After our nice room in Belarado, Yaz decided to take a rest day there. It's a beautiful town, and well worth the time spent there.
I set out to climb 3hills today, but was not at all excited about the 600 meter, 1800 feet climb. When I stopped for coffee after 5 km, I met a woman who was taking a bus over the hills. My feet are feeling good today, and with the hills, I anticipated more problems, so for 1.5 euros, I took the bus. The bus dropped us off on the freeway, about 4 km from the town, so all in all, I still walked about 9 km. 5.4 miles, and bussed about 18 km.
I felt bad about doing this, but as I sat on the bus, it said the temperature was 4 degrees, probably about 40F, and I was glad. I have made a flexible schedule on what I what to accomplish about every 4 days, and I had fallen a bit behind, but with this, I am not behind. Tomorrow, I go to burgos, and will spend 2 nights there. There is a lot of culture there, and the cathedral is supposed to be fabulous, so I want to do some exploring.
I am feeling homesick these last few days, and I think it's cause of the weather.
I've been using the iPad mini for everything, and also as my camera, and it has worked fantastically. I've been able to FaceTime with John everyday, and yesterday I spoke to all three of my kids. There are lots of friendly people around, so all is well.this Florida girl is just tired of the cold. I've got enough clothes, so not to worry, and I am safe and feeling healthy.
Attached are pictures of the bridge at Belarado, it kind of looks like the bridge that Martin sheen lost his backpack on, as well as some pics of a little toen named Tosantos.

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